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Heaters Can Hurt

Yes, that's a silly blog post title, but I wanted to get your attention.

It's cold. It's February. Spring is far away, and some of the things we do during these winter months can negatively affect our skin. For those of us who have eczema, psoriasis, or just have plain ol' dry skin, we may notice that our skin is a lot more challenging this time of year. Heaters (central heat, space heaters, outdoor heaters, etc.) could be the culprets but let's discuss some tips and tricks to get you through the winter with more healthy, hydrated, skin!

  1. Do you have an itchy scalp? If you do, the blow dryer could be to blame. We tend to blow our hair dry more when we are cold. Who wants to be wet and cold in winter?! Daily blow-drying can exacerbate scalp dryness and flaking. This goes for normal scalps as well as scalps prone to eczema, dermatitis or scalp psoriasis. So, keep the temperature low when you blow, and let your hair dry as much as you can naturally instead. I like to let mine dry half before I blow dry or use a hot tool after it's dry to finish it instead of blowing.
  2. Lips! Our lips can crack and become really uncomfortable just from central heating alone. And if you are congested with a winter virus, boy it becomes even worse. Micro cracks in the lips can also increase the likelihood of developing cold sores if you are prone to them. Wear your lip balm daily and even apply before bed. And,of course, instead of balm, I suggest for a wonderful nightly lip treatment, you can use Brilliant Eye and Lip Serum. This works as an around the eye treatment as well. This product will work wonders. 
  3. This one is easy. Use a humidifier in your home to cancel out the drying effect of the heaters. Simple to do, and definitely helps!
  4. Moisturize! Again, this is a no-brainer. But if you have dry skin, and want it to feel amazing and protected, my favorite Hale & Hush moisturizer is Saffron Meristem Cream. Not only does it moisturize, but has anti aging benefits and helps to restore the barrier function of the skin.  I slather it on morning and night and feel dewy and smooth no matter the weather. Ahhhh....
  5. Lastly, drink your water. You knew I was going to say this, but if we are not properly hydrated, our skin is not properly hydrated.

Happy Winter, Everybody!



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