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Wash Your Face!

Wash Your Face!

It's simple, really. We all know that you have to wash your face twice a day, every day. It's one of the fastest and easiest ways to have clear and healthy skin. And yet so many of us aren't good about washing our face. We think if we didn't wear make-up that day or if we are too tired at the end of a long day, we can miss it, just this one time.... right. I've been there. But remember that our skin expels waste. And wee also have a very dirty environment and so even if you don't feel...

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Do you have maskne? Ya know, that annoying break out that happens with extended mask wearing? If you are getting pimples, or clogged pores in the area where your mask is, you are not alone. As you are probably aware, acne can pop up (sorry for the pun) with friction, bacteria, sebum and heat which are all going to happen under a face mask. 

There are things you can do to manage maskne while still staying safe with your mask.

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Gloves Are Your Friends

dry skin dry skin hands Nitrile gloves Saffron Meristem Cream

Gloves Are Your Friends

Your mom was right. She knew her stuff when she told you to wear gloves when you wash dishes. I get it. Gloves can be annoying and kinda make us look like a 50s housewife, but trust me when I say it's totally worth it. 

If you wash dishes with ungloved hands, you are also washing off the natural oils, (aka protection). Harsh soaps and hot water can cause major issues in time with dry skin, rashes, dermatitis, and irritation. And keep in mind that a lot of us have been using tons of hand sanitizer due to the plague and all, which is harsh and very drying for the skin. 

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Pesky Fragrance May Be Messing With You

Pesky Fragrance May Be Messing With You

Today I want to talk about irritated skin. I'm seeing it my facial chair weekly. So many things cause irritation but sometimes it is the smallest change that makes a huge difference.Let's take fragrance, for example.I had a client in my chair last week who told me that no matter what she uses on her face, make-up or skincare, her eyes get irritated and tear up, making it impossible for her to wear make-up or treat her skin with creams or serums. That sounds frustrating. I suggested that maybe she is allergic to the fragrance that is in so many cosmetics...

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Just saying....

Just saying....

I’m about to say something that I don’t think you will hear from many other beauty industry professionals.  Ok, here goes. We all have more important things to do than worrying about what we look like.Ok, I said it and I believe it 100%. So, what does that mean?It means that our looks are not who we are and we should spend the majority of our time on other things. But does that mean we can just ignore ourselves and just never look in the mirror? Um…not exactly. Even though we are much more than our looks, we almost all...

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