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Summer Dry Skin Help

A lot of my clients have been complaining about dry skin as well as dry patches,...itchy skin...ugh. I get it. Summer does a number on your skin. Between using the A/C and swimming the the pool or ocean, our skin can take a beating. Here are a some easy tips to help: 1. When you go swimming, pat your skin dry right away before the water has a chance to evaporate. When we spend a lot of time in the water and then get out, the water evaporates from our skin and often takes with it some of our natural...

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We're Live!

We're Live!

I'm so excited to launch the Julia Elizabeth Olsson site! I finally have an online store where I can carry and discuss the products in which I believe! I haven't yet had a chance to add all my lines or goodies to the site,  but I wanted to make sure to start with one of my all time favorite skin care lines, Hale & Hush. Hale & Hush is a line of products dedicated to "Sensitive Skin," but I honestly use these products on ALL my clients at different times. These products are effective for a wide spectrum of conditions,...

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