Ingrown Hair = Bumpy Bummers
As you know, one of my specialties is sugaring hair removal. Sugaring is like waxing but unlike waxing where the esthetician rips the hair out of the follicle using hot wax pulling against the direction of the hair growth, sugaring removes the hair in the same direction as the hair growth with cool, natural, organic sugar paste. This means less chance of ingrown hairs and overall skin irritation. (For those of you who are lucky enough to NOT know what ingrown hairs are, I will clarify. Ingrown hairs are hairs that are trapped under the skin resulting in a red...
No Need to Wear Red For Christmas
Holidays are here! Tis the Season! We're all gearing up for more late night parties, special foods we usually don't eat, booze, more booze, and for many of us, additional STRESS! If you are one of the many who suffer from Rosacea, that holiday combo can trigger a flare-up. No need to deprive yourself. I'm sure you are aware that alcohol, sugar, spicy foods, (all the fun stuff), can activate Rosacea. But, we all need to indulge sometimes, so I suggest you enjoy in moderation and arm yourself with one of my favorites, Hush Hydrate Gel. It is a game changer...
Is your lipstick wearing you?
I have been creating custom blend lipsticks for a while now, and what I've noticed is that even the most subtle color change makes a HUGE difference. You can tell if you are wearing a good color for YOU if your eyes stand out, if your skin looks healthier, if the color makes you feel good. If it doesn't, it's probably wrong. The color should not wear you but instead be a compliment to your natural beauty.
Is Your Phone to Blame for your Acne?
Is your cell phone to blame for your acne? Maybe. There is a common type of acne called Acne Mechanica and it is caused by heat, pressure, friction, or rubbing of the skin. The pressure placed on the skin’s oil glands stimulates them, causing an increase in acne flair-ups. Not only is your cell phone heating up and often pressed against your face, but it probably is covered in a huge amount of bacteria. Heat + Bacteria + Friction + Sweat = Zit. Pimple math. But really this is an easy fix! All you need to do is clean your...
Scrub Me Tender - (You don't need to scrub to get clean)
Too much exfoliation is a common mistake of many of my clients. They feel they need to "scrub" their face clean and use facial brushes or coarse facial scrubs to do so. And often the people that scrub the most are the same ones who have irritated, red, flakey skin. Coincidence? No. I say that a good cleanser, tepid water, and your fingertips is all you really need to get clean, that is unless you are working as a coal miner or something equally dirty. Harsh scrubbing can destroy the skin's natural barrier function and we need our barrier function....